Tse Bit’ a’i. The rock with wings.

Rock with Wings


Oil on Canvas.


Available through my shop here.

Ship Rock, located on the Navajo lands in the four corners region, is one of the most mystifying formations to be found in a bonafide mecca of geologic marvels.

I frequently drive across the reservation and past this towering monolith to and from Flagstaff. Without fail, Ship Rock causes my foot to move to the brake petal with an unavoidable magnetism.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Dine legend behind this rock of mythical proportions, I highly suggest you to embark on an internet rabbit hole into its origin story.

Because no hiking, climbing, or camping are permitted in the area, my paintings of this rock (more to come) will come from this classic, highway vantage point.


Zion Morning

